"Do not discourage any aspect of being for it is here all traps are set."
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Common Man


youtubeThese are times for you to consider...and that which you would call common man. Common man is just that, no distinguishing traits and subtleties that render others stopped in their tracks. Common man engenders all kinds of hope and obtuse thinking with which they are able to fathom out an existence based on that which gives little freedom in its wake.

Man knows not the meaning of freedom at this time. To infuse him with that knowledge would be equal to a suicidal stroke used to usurp all means of survival from him. Man knows no different than what has been told to him for centuries and this knowledge is incomplete at best. There is nothing special about it other than its design to ensnare, permanently, the likes of man himself.

It is not often wrought in stone the effects seen before us but here we have a different story to tell, whereby those who succumb to the darkness within will have no choice but to succumb to other fates in the universe before all is said and done. Man does not know this is waiting for him. There is no way to inform him either, for those at rest with all of this have no ears to hear when the timing is right. These folks will subject themselves up to the final moments and then when all is realized about them, the system falls short upon them and there is nothing left for them to offer anyone any more.

It behooves you to consider the consequences of those times left to your own devices, whereby you care to do what's right but cannot find that way within yourselves to do it. These are dangerous times when these effects are seen, and because of this many will fall by the wayside, not knowing what to do, much less how to do it.


PTB Update 9/28/21
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Sunday, 09 March 2025