When it is known what is about to occur we say the temptation is to incur an antidote for all that is come to pass. In this light, where all fails to include those so taken by surprise, we see mounting evidence...
With these things said it is important to know what befalls a country when all seems to have gone wrong in the wake of disastrous usurptions by those in charge. What it comes down to is this for the forerunners of time unequivocally settled on this for their solution to a plight so beset with misgiv...
321 Hits
[What can be done to impact Humanity in a positive way to escape this 'Matrix'?] It is not about you or others engaging in a fight over what's right or what's wrong. It's about you and others leading them in the right direction for their own salvation within each of themselves. In this way those of ...
331 Hits