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Go Within

Go Within

It is seen during these times ahead, many things that can discombobulate structures of mind and soundness in general. It is seen also during these times, efforts take place to ensue, behind those who try to compose rightful things/enterprises, who can help with the reconfiguration necessary to survive during these days ahead. Likewise, we ensue you to compose, within yourself, the attributes necessary to be able to ensure your own survival. It is said at this time, to ensue will not be easy, however, there will be a silver lining to it all.

As we see it, let us compose for you the scenario we see at the moment, for it entails many of you here and now, acceptable to the throes of darkness spun upon you. It is here all lackluster, disappointing and severely disgruntled attitudes prevail, for no one knows what to do. Suffice it to say, it is alike when someone has lost something and there is nothing to do to help find the missing piece of whatever [it is]. Here you will see the same in action,  taking apart those so inclined, to render themselves non-operable segments of society at large.

Here you will see many complain without cause at all that has left them bereft of life savings - gone bad, indeed. It is here you will find others with insurmountable pain and anguish at not knowing how it all happened. Indeed, we see this prevalent, and when the clock strikes twelve what do you think occurs? Doubtful anyone has the clear recognition it's time to go, however loosely it is seen upon them. Ideally, one would configure a response to set them up for success. Here however, it is seen success is far behind, not knowing the day, year or month in which all this is occurring.

Never have we witnessed such strength of conviction to disengage a population from its feet. Here however, it is done swiftly and without concern for any left behind. You, too, will find yourself among the many when not encouraged to find yourself within. We say this often as a matter of fact as this is the only means of rectifying a situation that has ensnared an entire race of people.

Go within. We say it enough, go within. Fight with yourself no longer, go within. It is there waiting, and you'll see what we mean when the time arrives to do so as we instruct. Do not delay as time is running out as rapidly as it came. Time is running out to deter all aspects of that which will appear quite shortly on the horizon. It is up to you of course, on your choice of action that does not count on others of like kind.

Do Not Disturb the Peace Within was discussed earlier. Here it is paramount to take into consideration the aftermath of all this come down upon you. Do not delay as time is short for you to acquiesce in such a manner.  Do not delay however, as you are never aware of consequences lurking around the corner to throw you off track. It is here, now and forever in front of you, the options you must take to ensure survival at a pristine level of existence. Do not delay for your arms are tired of waiting for that which you seek to appear before you at this time.

Let it all go, nothing matters except that which is within - pure and simple as a statement could possibly be. Let it all go. Do it now or forever hold your peace, alone and unwanted in a universe so full of treachery, it boggles the mind just to think about it. Yours solely is the opportunity forward, for this was given to you all forthrightly, at the beginning of time. You have just forgotten it, many times over. Get with it, now is the time to rectify all put in front of you and in that way you do not last forever struck down and imploded upon yourself, for lack of better words.

Get off your seat and do your work to justify your existence here and now. In the aftermath it won't be so easy to accommodate all given to you, so now is the time to envelop what is said to you and do something about it. Do not fail yourself in this regard. It has consequences attached to it you are not currently aware of.

The Rampage of Hearts
Do Not Disturb the Peace Within


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Sunday, 09 March 2025