"Foreswear allegiance with Self. It is the only way."
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The Strategy of Confusion

The Strategy of Confusion

In times when all that is seen makes no sense to you, know something else is afoot. These days see much in the way of that and it is done with purpose. The purpose lies in the fact that those in charge never give anything away freely. It must be discerned and when all is let loose, as it is, there is much to consider in how to interpret what is seen for making an error can cost much in the future. These things will continue in the future until that time when those who have succumbed to all the lies lay motionless, unable to move as they know not what to do. In these times it is important to consider the effects given for a specific purpose and these are the clues you should seek.

 If there are some instances where multiple instances are in play, these must be deciphered separately as they can only be understood in ways that make sense by taking them apart one by one. When you see this occurring there are motives afoot, motives to render a population to inaction due to the confusion put before you. Then, when all goes wrong it will be no wonder as much was omitted from it to start with.

There are no free sanctuaries at this time. Everyone is involved and we say this is good as all will be in the playing field so to speak, where they can see, first hand, the discrepancies and lackluster tone of events captured and put before you. When this happens, we say watch out for not all will respond the same way. Some will charge forward, some will charge back. All in all however, we see many taking refuge in their own Selves and this, of course, is the way to proceed without harm.

Stay inside during these times when all is about to be let loose upon you. You know not where or when this will occur so it's best to be safe than sorry. The Powers that Be may intend great darkness for a period as they monitor events and make decisions on how to proceed, but we will tell you it is not about to get easier. In fact, we would say put on your thinking caps and rejoice in the fact that all is out in front of you, but can you see it? Why would you want to?

We will say this. It is important at this time to recall strategies put into place long ago when certain parties influenced others to become, more or less, partners in crime. As time has gone on many have situated themselves among others who would do no harm but it is seen the results of that as those who would do no harm are bequeathed with knowledge and foresight to interrupt much of what is about to occur. Only time will tell how this turns out for many are on a precipice about how to act and how to proceed in light of such situations.

When we tell you those who know no better will consume everything in sight we mean to say there is nothing left to stand in their path of destruction and forward it will move until that time when all has fallen around them. When this happens it is seen they have no choice but to scatter themselves before taking flight to other locations. One by one they will disappear until none are left standing and we say this is the time for others to come forward with solutions to bring about change that is desired. When this happens many will be free to discuss and invent situations to include all those around them and it is seen this will be successful in its venture for all involved.

The Code of the Anunnaki
Beliefs and Choices


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Saturday, 18 January 2025