PTB Update March 3, 2024
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We are going to inundate you with news at this moment in time, for it is seen the wherewithal in place to do that. At this time also, we infer causes seen and heard around the world, for detrimental consequences abound for most at this point in time. As we move through this time in history, be concerned for yourself as all is not well where you are.
Saying this does not detract from the splendor seen in everyday life, however it does make a difference when seen through the eyes of those who have little to gain for all the skullduggery being brought up at this time. Refusals abound in a sense that those not involved directly in schisms of the sort that are seen here and now, and affected as such. The wherewithal is slowly closing down for those so empowered with self gratification they can see no light within. These folks are doomed to their own recognizance, and will witness that here shortly.
At long last things are about to change for the better, for it is seen now and forever in place, those things to deter sanctions in place one more time, effortlessly controlling the situation within which there is no escape for those in charge. We witness here demonstrations of lowliness, not informed by any cause in and of itself. However, due to remedial prevalence seen here, those in charge do not know about this taking place at this time. And we say to you, watch and see in reality the kinds of situations that develop that have no grounding about them.
This will be seen quite frequently until that point in time when all falls apart into the system from whence it came. Not until then do we witness continuance on another level of being, fostered by those of intellect and intuitive being forged into one, to distribute and relinquish new thought over all, provoking discontent on a massively grand scale for those in charge. Due to the situation seen here, we offer the following conclusions about all seen and heard.
It is here remedy abounds. See yourself incorporated in the indulgences of many, to bring about change on a grand level of being, seen here too, incorporated in life's greater scheme of things. It is here all things prosper, for when an accounting is made for all said and done, we see this predominantly perched on a successful venture for all humanity to follow of sorts, to distinguish themselves once again as dispositions of light, filtered here upon the Universe proper, and seen here as well as doing good in all aspects of life for others as well.
To doubt this is paramount to failure as it were, for all involved in treachery and continued misuse of power, whereby they have been able to usurp dignity and forbearance to a level of new lows for all involved in a story of epic proportions, seen here as The Tale of Man, incorporated into a travesty of justice and implored throughout the land to do what is needed and must be done to facilitate growth on an unprecedented scale. This we offer to you now, so know it to be true for you and those so inclined to distribute themselves inclusively around the globe at this time.
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The Tale of Man.. the greatest show on earth