"We are noticing that which will bring you forward is an aspect of that which will hold you back. These things are all aspects of each other and known for their effects singularly shown in each instance. The beautiful part about it all is that none of it matters but that which you choose."
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When Those Around You Begin to Fall

When Those Around You Begin to Fall

It is about time to discuss with you the aftermath of what is to come. On and on we have said before - to do your best is requisite. Now we take that a step further, for it is in the best interests of everyone when this is done. On and on we have said also, to do your best is alternatively, not an option, for if you were to see 'all' as we do, you would not question 'all' in the least.

It is seen also the detrimental activities disbursed throughout, to ensnare those with no thought process. To deter their behavior from acting so promiscuously during the later stages of life going so berserk, it is here we would like to stop for a moment, to include those so thought out in their escape, they have not finished as of yet with the final process of their adventure.

Do take consideration of this as is, for many will adjunct to these devices in the days to come and succumb* with all they can muster, to do their best to deter the final acts of justice to befall them. Do not honor them when they fall. Do not do this. Instead, act in dignity to aid those so fallen at their feet to hear that which is being said to them to lift them to their feet. Do not disturb them otherwise. It is of no relevance to do so, and we say this compassionately as many need to do much work which will heal them from the episode about to encroach upon their lives. It is here you must dwell in this process alone, as it does no good to succumb to a kindness borne of disease which will fester forever until looked at for once and for all.

As we move through this time period you will see many things upsetting in nature. This is to be expected. Note too however, these people chose their fate. It is that simple. To do otherwise is to interfere with their destiny and leave them alone, unharmed and unscathed by their own experience. To do this is censured at this time to see, for once and for all, the direction finally chosen of them.

At this time also, inflicted in the ages of time itself are those notions of grandeur subjected upon those with no heart at the core, and we say this surreptitiously for none will venture forth in these days with consequences to their actions biting around their neck. Often it is seen such things as we move ahead.

Lastly, it appears - surreptitiously only too - the consequences rendered forth by those whose thinking has encompassed them into doing what is right, and foremost, what will structure all to permit life from escaping them at a moment's notice.


*This concludes the message. However, one sentence in the early part of the message puzzled me ....'adjunct' being used as a verb, and adjunct to what? And what about the devices, what devices? I asked for clarification and Spirit replied:]

"Considering the devices are held in awe, many aspire to keep them close at all times, in this way propelling them well into moments in time where they were not permitted to go earlier.”

[I asked again, 'Is this more technology let loose on the public for their use and distraction?' And Spirit replied:]
"This is seen as an addendum to that which you already have. In and of itself it has no use. In and of itself with other devices, there is much to be considered."

 Hopefully this helps clarify that part of the message.


Freedom and the New System
It's All Your Fault


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Sunday, 09 March 2025