"There are no wrong choices, only those that do not fit the playbill you are holding."
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It's All Your Fault

It's All Your Fault

When you do all that is necessary to survive, you will find yourself completely equipped in which time you have nothing to worry about. As we have said before, these things all come down at a time in the future days when all is unexpected and appears to be working fine indeed. When this all occurs you can count on the number of times you will hear the phrase, "It's all your fault," echoing throughout the land. It is here of course others defy resistance to those things put forth by others, to complicate matters immensely. To this we say, count on those number of times when you see all light take heist from the planet. Nowhere, and we do mean nowhere, will you find that which is responsible for any of it. It will disappear like a flash of light.

Hidden well in the corners, and out and about at the appropriate time will be solutions brought forth, to issue dominance in the public arena, for it is here confluence must occur to bring this forward again. As this occurs you can count once again, on all being brought forth for you to contemplate at a moment's notice. Indeed, we see many avenues of recourse abandoned frequently, as many would rather put all their hopes into one basket of dismay rather than ferret out their own conclusions at this time. Suffice it to say, many times over will solutions be brought forth to consider for one's self. There will be however, only one which counts and this will inevitably pass the lack of scrutiny about them, and bring, once again, all humanity to the clutches of those who care no less about you than a bundle of twigs, seen here all tied up in knots.

Suffice it to say, at the outset all will seem fine. Then the fun starts. It is here to be wary takes precedence as all will come tumbling in once again, when all is started within a structure so putrid and vile, no one can stand the taste. It is here you are all headed with the collapse of a civilization and bankruptcy of another. All in all, the temptation to do well in this environment is stifled before it gets started, making it impossible to move forward once again in life. Here we see the demise of centuries taking place, and we assure you, you do not want to be around in this place when all starts to fall from the rooftops.

Let it alone be said once again, to do the best you can is essential. To do this in tact is a prerequisite. To venture further than expected to, also is a prerequisite indeed. So we say to you once again, take heed. These days are short to admonish what must be accomplished, and we see this occurring in some who have gotten the act together. It is here all will prosper. Not until then will anything make sense, in a way to understand completely what has happened here.

We warn you as well, take heed once again to muster within yourselves the nature of that which lies within. This is your only salvation. Until that time you have nothing to go on that makes sense in some ways. All is an accolade of sports and institutions to promote disharmony among all the residents of this glorious planet you call Earth. Until that time assure yourself with one thing, and that is content does not matter when all is askew about you. Do not contend with external forces that have no bearing on that which is wanted from you all. Contend within these arenas and all that to make a difference when it is necessary to do so. All this and the rest falls into place without regard to any detrimental situation you may see yourself in.

When Those Around You Begin to Fall
The End of a Cycle - The Advent of Man


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Sunday, 09 March 2025