"It’s not about who you are or who you think you are. It’s about who you really are. Focus on that."
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The Powers that Be Update


To escape the clutches of life in a way to free the spirit forever...these things are long sought after in the realms of man for where would they turn if not for the inner conviction we see so many lacking in these days. Far be it for us to determine their fate, yet it is seen there is nowhere to go for them who deny the frequencies available to them, instead of immersing themselves in the likes of situations we find many in.

And of this too, we determine several to be seen shortly at the guise of those elsewhere incriminated against when the time gets moving again, for they are lost indeed, those who know no better than assume their place among the living as if it were clear sailing for them all the way. It is about to get gritty, and we see this emerging slowly at first, yet armed with complete control of those in power to do so. It is here they will try their best to consume the remnants of all hopes brought to them and in their stead leave them by the wayside to get trompled upon once again.

So we say to you, it's not about to get any easier once again, for we see clearly that which admonishes all about you and it is seen this alone is tantamount to destructive forces let loose once again to do their job and wrestle from the people their last hope of freedom to abound. Here is the crux of the issue for here will all stand or not, for it is seen among them, there are those who incorporate these things to make long lasting tributes to those in power, and without this much would be awry as all goes before them quickly and to the point. So it is said when these folks let loose upon a population it is imperative support is granted from those required to do so, and in this way all moves forward for them quite quickly indeed.

This is seen markedly sped up in the near future days where all will be required to participate in one way or another, and here we leave you at this time wondering what may be next in this arena of scrambling, idiotic gestures of being. Yet we tell you its demise is close at hand, yet to be seen and experienced by those who care not about anything but themselves during this time of being here on planet Earth.

PTB Update -January 14, 2022
Those Who Relinquish Their Rights


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Sunday, 09 March 2025