"Behold what is right in front of you. Look at it and know it is of Divine origin."
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Those Who Relinquish Their Rights


These times are troublesome in many ways, for we say this as it is seen those who do not do what is necessary to prevent their own upheaval in a system designed to take you under at one time or another. It is here you will find those so disposed to relinquishing their rights in the arms of others who have no concern about you whatsoever. And in this you will find others still who vow to continue the trend brought upon those who know no better, and use them to subserviate themselves and others to a cause that has no relevance to them. It is here all familiarity lies for without that little would come of these shenanigans, set afoot by those who have no understanding of what is to come for them in future days of their existence on planet Earth.

So here it is for all to look upon as is, and we say those so involved in making such a fuss will be long lived in the arena of darkness brought upon the planetary system at this time. It behooves them to take consideration of all put before them yet we see that is not what they are all about. They would rather dissuade others from seeing truthful situations first hand and let them drive themselves into the ditch of despair at a later time. This we see as all too prevalent when the days come to reveal a situation so out of hand and out of control that it does indeed boggle the mind at its efficacy.

So now we tell you differently of sorts, that here and now you will find such folks eager to display their knowledge - or lack thereof - on others, for they know not the basics of that which they speak, and inevitably they will succumb to that which lies within, seeing the care and mishandling given to all those who cross their paths. It is not long before all this comes to pass and of this much will be assumed to have gotten off track from the beginning, yet all continues forward until that time when these folks allow themselves the ability to think for themselves in an era where this is seldom seen. When this happens all will be lost to them to start, and they will realize the abrupt magnitude of the error of their ways and in this manner are able to see, first hand, that which they assumed to be false at the beginning of their charade.

The Powers that Be Update
When Darkness Comes to Light


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Friday, 07 March 2025