Being Grounded


To date, there is often seen detrimental consequences shifting into inordinate problems for those so inclined to agree with all put before them. As a matter of fact, the detrimental consequences seen here often mimic those states of affairs whereby sought out information is relegated to the background of things, and in this way escapes the view, or [is] to be seen later when things have already transpired.So we say to you at the outset, let it be known in fact, that which you claim to be doing for yourself and others, and in that way demonstrate with understanding that which is being attempted by you. It hinders not when expressed in such a manner. Today we've seen many who counter-produce as they move from one predicament to another, and in this way subterfuge all actions with lack of commitment. This is paltry in its effects as it is seen demonstrably so, the effects of not having been grounded in That Which Counts* for you to exorcise the spell of madness that now confronts you. 


* The Inner Self

A Message for Those Around You
A Word to the Wise

Comments 2

Guest - Ruth on Thursday, 27 June 2024 13:03

Thanks Edward!

Thanks Edward!
Guest - Deb on Thursday, 27 June 2024 14:22

An excellent reminder -- thank you so much Edward.

An excellent reminder -- thank you so much Edward.
Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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