A Message for Those Around You
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At this time we tell you this in fact, to incur within that which is necessary to see for yourself out and about - those things that have no interest. We see those around you infused to the hilt with junk and garbage, so much so it is impossible for them to make a decision to encroach upon their lives. It is here they must look to have all advantage given to them. It is not unusual for them to deny the characteristics seen, yet here they are, full of remorse for that which they never have received. And we say this about them at this time to bequeath upon them the nature of that within, which is also accessible by those who have no inkling about it.
Here it goes for once and for all, that given to them in hopes they are disciplined enough to even see it. It fosters nothing about itself, yet admonishes all in the face of deleterious effects, seen here by not accessing the realms of darkness within. Here we say to you, to be included in your madness is not an option, for us or anybody who has right thinking. It is there you must arrive at to determine yourself viable and worthy of consideration, inwardly speaking. It is irrelevant during these times to consider one's self apropos with all that is done. It simply is not the case. Determined efforts fail in light of those seen within, so we ask you here and now to comply with said edicts given long ago to reinforce the structures seen here with the body/mind, and access them truthfully, with yourself totally in tact.
At this time nothing much matters, to you or anybody that does not take this into account. At long last it is given here to accommodate all who ask, to continue forward under the auspices of those who count for the betterment of humanity at large. It is here you will find us dedicated and stalwart souls, intricately involved in the bringing of all this forward for all to consummate within themselves. It is here you must go in the time remaining before all falls before you.
Ask yourself, where would you be if not for here, right now at this time, looking for that which is sought within? We ask you again, what befits you better than this, where all is given in the light from Above in no uncertain terms? Where would you be without this light at this time? Reflect. Reflect on this if you would and answer accordingly, for you know, undisturbed within lies that which you seek. It is there waiting for the time when you insist on its presence.
Until then you have grasped much in the way of things here on Earth, for it behooves you to walk forward, continuing in this light, forever seen as the one who did in fact listen, and react in a manner befitting their soul and the One Above. It is here you will flourish until the end of days - seen here as that which never ends, accommodating all who visit, for once and for all.
Know well you are seen and heard of all times here on Earth. It is yours to contemplate all this within the bottom of your heart. Let this serve as a reminder to that which counts above all, lest you forget in time induced sleepiness that has engulfed you in present.