"If you do not know where you are going, how can you get there?"
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The Perspective of Choice


 We would like to talk about those things seen from afar and how they differ when viewed from a different perspective. Know it is true, when viewing, all that is seen is refracted off of the object in question. The object itself has not changed but the viewpoint may well do so. In and of this lies the truth of the matter that what is seen references the viewer, not the object. The object stays the same no matter what angle it is viewed from, but the capacity for change is enacted by those who view the same object. Interesting, isn't it, how something can change when viewed from another perspective, yet the innate quality of the perceived hasn't changed at all. What gives?

We say this. It is important when holding things for consideration that they be looked at and examined thoroughly. If you're perspective is off just a bit, much may occur to bring you to a different state than what was originally imagined. Imagine this. If we could surmise all that was known about a rock, what state would that rock be in? It's hard to tell without being at one with the rock. It's heard from others that this rock is large and obtrusive, others say it is not so large but slippery and wet. Yet others go into detail to explain it is made of limestone and granite and retains the moisture inside.

So we say, who is right? All vary in their description, yet all are inclusively right. Which avenue will you pursue? The one all slippery and wet or the larger version of said rock? In the end it matters not what choice you make as the rock is still a rock, regardless. If that is seen all else will follow accordingly and it is without fault that one lies in the way of another for all are true on some level of reflection.

So we say choices are like that, similar in one way, different in another and this is why strict adherence to close examination proves fruitful. Now one can determine, with close proximity the resolution needed to see the choices through to completion. In this way choices serve you better, with better outcomes for all involved. Listen to what is said for until the nature of choice is understood there can be no remedy to fix those made in haste and anger. Be civilized and know choices are there to serve you and serve you they will, good ones and bad ones alike, they have no preference.

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Sunday, 09 March 2025