"When thinking about yourself consider yourself as the One above all."
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Out in the Cold


We say at this time it is important to consider all avenues open and available to you for soon enough there will be that which you cannot fathom at your doorstep, and we see the repercussions of all that. And we say in these times there will be turmoil and struggle for those who know no better than to step forth and assume their role is taken care of for them. They will find out soon enough the treacherous ones have been up to no good and have left them out in the cold.

So we say in time for this to occur there will be may left out in the cold and it is seen the stress that builds from this and the actions taken to help modify the repercussions of it all. It is not without consequence that all this occurs in a flash as all those who presuppose victory at last are seen to be hiding out on some unknown spot, ready to ensnare any who come close to them. All in all, when all is said and done there are many left behind, lost unto themselves and those left with them, not knowing what to do, how to act or what recompense they might still be able to glean from those others among them.

We say this distress will be bothersome to many and it is seen the strife and situations of this sort begin to blossom world wide and in no uncertain terms do these things just go away. They linger over time and never become the small issue they were hoped to be at the time. In and of this it is said when all is said and done it is imperative to take the reigns in hand and direct the situation for yourself and take some control when possible. Only then will things begin to break up, for until then, all let loose continues to fester and grow until that time when all too much of it has been had.

Inner Conviction


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Sunday, 09 March 2025