"In the realms of darkness light prevails only when allowed to do so. It will not come on its own, it must be invited, nurtured and seen in all its glory. Invite it and see."
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New Technology


a youtubeWe would like to tell you of a time, before Christ, when those who fought for righteousness were punished for doing so. You see, these were times run amok, with contributions from settlers outside their class of thinking, one and alone in the universe. According to them, it was seen the effects of dismal occurrences spread far and wide throughout the land.

We say this as today we see the same. Many who are involved in subterranean adventures dare not look into the eyes of man for they know, full well, what they will receive on the other end. These creatures, these beings, long to behold times past when all was set up to include all who were a part of its making, and instead saw those things which harmed and maimed those involved in bringing forth a new light to life and its expression of glory. For within this tribe of people were found those who could communicate with others, not of their world, and received guidance from them, to do what is known as incorporate those forces of life into profoundly small units which could be sent to others for their healing and well being. This, we say, was not well approved of by those whose beings were wrought with anger and frustration at the sight of such things as they claimed for their own that which provided life giving sustenance to those included in their spaces.

So we tell you this, as time goes on, you will see such things emerge in the background of those events which are occurring presently on your planet. There are many involved in doing the best they can in life giving procedures that will incorporate the multitudes, [procedures] of the stature of ‘performing miracles’, as it were, where nothing else has helped. We see this also being met with trepidation and succinct dislike from those who would suppose superiority over all who exist. However, it is seen that this does not matter as what befalls them is equally as harsh [as their attitude].

So we say, all in all, in times as these it is best to buckle up, but know too, developments are occurring behind the scenes to divert attention from ongoing philosophies of freedom, spent in anger and a lustful attitude to include no one but themselves. We see also those who fight in stead, securing their rights to produce what is wrongly associated with their devices and incorporate them into the consciousness of humanity at large in due time.

Wake Up to the Truth of Your Being


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Sunday, 09 March 2025