"Relinquish all thoughts. Let them subside."
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Advancing Within


As we were saying, it is at this time above all, we must concede to the One Above, for he has dictated the above situation to you alone. At this time you are to discontinue with that thought as necessary. Indeed it is not. At this time also we concede in a manner to support all that is being done. As you move toward the end game of this, we enforce that which is seen Within, and when this survives, all else will fail. It is seen here clearly and we tell you that now, thereby enforcing that which has been dictated long, long ago.

At this time also we enforce those doctrines that clearly state, impeccably so, that no matter what, all will come to an end as has been planned. As we say this, know and understand, deep Within are those structures that surmount all hope about them. They enforce goodness and represent kindness in action, whereby all who desire it may come home again. At this time many of you have designated yourselves as such, and we recognize that, in spite of what is to come for others of like kind.

It is essential to understand this simply and concisely as all about you continues to rise out of control, for which many are seen to advance Within. As this is said we remind you to take heart for within all this structure lies that with no heart at all. This in fact steeps greatly of abuse, garnered from centuries of being beholden to those who care not for anything civil or acquiescent to other causes. This, among others, strikes a low blow for what is to come as all about you discontinues with the status quo for an indefinite period of time. We see that here, determined as they may be to efface all before them.

At the outset too, recognize yourself here as one who designates the adventure within folks. This is seen here as tantamount behavior, seen as it is given to others alike. We say this now to confirm: Within is waiting to become One with all that is to become, and we see that here clearly. At this time also, [we] reference those about you who know no better, acting out in ways to disturb the peace unendingly so.

It is here we will leave you at this time, to display more concern at a later date, indeed.

Those Committed to the One Above
To Test the Hearts of Men

Comments 1

Guest - Ruth on Tuesday, 20 February 2024 08:52

Thanks for posting!

Thanks for posting!
Sunday, 09 March 2025