Those Committed to the One Above
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It is time to reference these things from times past, to discuss with you the relevance overall of all we are doing for you and others alike. At this time we stress informalities as it stresses nothing in the process of explaining, and this we have to say for you. It is apparent to us you do not quite understand the implications involved with all we are doing - in effect infiltrating all sources of being for those so inclined to lend a hand at this day and time - in that many effects are wrought which were unable to be discussed when all was put together long ago.
This is to say at the least, many times over these things were ferreted out in thought, yet had no balance with which to contend and consequently lost footing until that time when all would be put together one final time. In essence, we are here now at this time wondering how all came to be of sorts, yet understanding well and good that all must be done this way to continue forward at all. It is here we scarcely recognize ourselves what has been completed at this date and time, for twists and turns have applied strength to the situation, knowing full well in advance, these things would turn and reunite over and over again until that point in time when all was said and done. We are entering that period as we speak and encourage all dialog about it at this time. And we wonder your thoughts about said issue at hand.
Let us say this too for it is unrecognized at this time, yet extremely important to know, the outcome is currently mapped as one major change however unified all appears to be. This major change is of course, united by several smaller events, all to concede in succession of each other to demonstrate continuity of purpose or endeavor. At the outset it was apparent to all how this would end, yet no one knew for certain the extent of the damage, seen here extensively so. So we ask you to demonstrate your understanding and ask us, within your reach, what is to become of all who designate themselves within the power structure of the One Above at this time.
It is seen here many do not care to answer, however it is seen also many do not comprehend the nature of that which is being asked of them here. To discuss further, we will need your input.
[My understanding is there would naturally be the awareness within all those people that they are all expressions of the same power and as such, are united in their goals/desires for humanity at large, and so unified, easily work toward that goal together. This would be my understanding.]
It is true, as we say with this, that all forces unite and that can be visualized here quite easily. What cannot be seen are the attributes recognized from within as sanctified developments of mind/body/spirit to envelop all. This is seen as a truthful expression of all sought from Above and we say that conclusively seen at this time. We offer you the following instance, only to confuse one more time those not supporting this structure of development for themselves.
At the outset it was known at the time the disturbance of the peace as not forwarded into existence - except by design. It was not permitted. Now however, this step was allowed and forwarded into the experience of others whereby designs were used to deliberately disallow functions of the brain to remain in constant recluse to itself and offered no composure in the outcome. These things were deliberately allowed and those consequences seen at this time to have enveloped the masses allow no one to remain unscathed by its presence in the minds of men. Perhaps a little undoing of it all has been seen of recent days and events, however most have employed no means whatsoever to regain composure over what has rectified itself as 'normal' over the course of centuries at hand.
It is here we must stop for a minute and contend with what has been said, as most do not want to be able to relegate mental faculties to a peaceful existence.This is not possible for most as they are too caught up in extraneous matter of their own consumption. We ask you therefore, to contend with your own ability to reference this - or not - in the interim of all things seen, for it is information gathered which brings news up front and we say this distinctly perched on the edge of all things known, for it is seen here outright, those things to come en force to all who are involved in their own sanctimonious crap. It is here all efforts bind for nothing at the outset and finish with nothing intact.
Those others who understand the sentiment brought forth here will favor a different trapping of life whereby all difficulties subside and render themselves obsolete in the scheme of things, favored by that which lights the way Above in all aspects of existence. And within that we see now experimenting with full force ahead, likely outcomes for those within which all surmounts the trouble at hand and rescues all those with plight to heal unobtrusively so, in the efforts to recognize one more time the efforts of man among himself, to rectify long lost causes of self inflicted chicanery, to balance the causes at hand no longer needed, and seen to have evaporated once again into the open air within which all is possible again, at this time seen with perfection of being in space, time and acquisition within, known forever in its scope as that which lies Within and rectified without, once again present in the eyes of man.