"Cast aside all doubts. There is no room for them here."
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Sanctity of Purpose - A Practice

Sanctity of Purpose - A Practice

So we say it is time, indeed, to continue forward in a way that will surprise you. We say this as a matter of fact as what you are used to doesn't apply here. So we say here's the gist of it...In a timely manner succumb to only that which is of reference to you. That is to say, what you see is what you are. In this way you will come to know all about you and who you really are. There are no tricks to this, only a stalwart application of ventures needed to bring this up to awareness.

There is that which is not you. And then again, there is that which is, wholeheartedly, and we say that which isn't, isn't anything indeed. So we say try this, see how it goes and know, too, the inner being sees all this and admonishes when the timing is correct so we say when this happens just go with the flow of things. The inner being is ever watchful of all that occurs over time, and we say this, indeed, is a hallmark of it.

So, now go and try this. See what occurs for you. Let yourself go, notice what is about you. Feel it all and bring it into your being. Sense it with finely tuned senses and absorb its energy into your soul. This is the mainstay of understanding other things - you take them into your being for refuge and admonishment. Aforementioned thoughts of danger do not apply here for there is nothing dangerous about this. It is seen, far and wide, the results of this practice and inevitably it will lead to sanctity of purpose all around.

So we say try this today, see how it feels for you as you take other things into your being. Test them, feel them, know they are yourself in all ways. You must discover this for yourself. No one will help in that arena. So now try it, see what happens.

[How do I direct the energy of the object into myself?]

This is done naturally. It happens by itself when looking at, staring at or encompassing it all around. These things absorb naturally in the scheme of things. It cannot be prevented. Yours is to naturally recognize this process for your own and do with it what is necessary to find its disguise in place for you.

Mishaps of Power
May the Force be with You


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Sunday, 09 March 2025