"Expectations are just that, expected results and have no bearing on reality."

Staying in Place


[This is an exercise given to me which I'm posting in it's entirety as it may be of interest.] Now we see what we mean by 'Staying in Place,' for it is this which will move you forward at this time. Staying in Place means just this, stay where you are, nothing more, nothing less. It is advisable dur...

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Sanctity of Purpose - A Practice

Sanctity of Purpose - A Practice

So we say it is time, indeed, to continue forward in a way that will surprise you. We say this as a matter of fact as what you are used to doesn't apply here. So we say here's the gist of it...In a timely manner succumb to only that which is of reference to you. That is to say, what you see is what ...

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  420 Hits

Standing Tall

Standing Tall

With this statement we will refine our words clearly so it is understood, without a shadow of a doubt, what is meant by this. So we say, and here's the rub, do not ever consider yourself small again, ever. This...

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The One Above - An Approach

The One Above - An Approach

[Some wise council that can be of benefit.] There are times when men need to confront themselves head on and in this light we see this occurring here and now. There are many tales to be told of men's interactions with Self and it is seen here there will be further tales to add to the soup, but first...

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The One in All - A Practice


 Look at what befalls you here and now. It is not seen, indeed, for you have overlooked that which will give you life everlasting and we say this is vitally important to consider. These are markers of sorts and we say to you their importance cannot be overemphasized. Here we have a situation wh...

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