"Relinquish all thoughts. Let them subside."
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Staying in Place


[This is an exercise given to me which I'm posting in it's entirety as it may be of interest.]

Now we see what we mean by 'Staying in Place,' for it is this which will move you forward at this time. Staying in Place means just this, stay where you are, nothing more, nothing less. It is advisable during this exercises that you succumb to nothing on the exterior that cannot be validated through personal contact. It is seen when doing this exercise it may cause distress at times as remaining where you are can get tricky when the mind starts to wander here and there. This is not a form of mental gymnastics, but a refuge of sorts to equip the being with that which is necessary for survival in the long run, days and nights from now.

Now, this exercise is to be done daily, without hesitation, and let yourself go with it. Be calm, respectful and adamant with the process. Let all go into it and you will start to see things happen for you. This is an exercise to duplicate those conditions found in the higher mind and we say this is possible for you at this time if these sanctions are adhered to. If not, there will be other opportunities but this one is by far most favorable.

It is seen the outcome of all this also and we say the relevance involved with it is awesome indeed. The precursors of light abound in this situation and grant that which is needed for moving ahead greatly. It is assumed you know better than to refute this for it is seen the wherewithal surrounding your demise at this time. [Here I questioned what I heard. My 'demise' was not what I wanted to hear so I thought maybe they meant 'demeanor' and wrote that in parenthesis....just in case, of course. As Spirit doesn't seem to miss anything, they responded immediately...]  ...The correct word is demise and that would reflect on the not so opportune existence of doubt and lack of forbearance, to include misery in its outcome for not following instructions.

This we say wholeheartedly for you. There are no exceptions in the rule of life where one goes and expects another to follow without the requisite sanctions to keep him on board. These things require this and is afforded to you at this time in the hopes that all will clear for you when the time is right. These things are not just said to you for no good reason. On the contrary, there is reason enough to rejoice with what is given as all will turn around from doing so at this time and we know that will please you greatly.

So go, for now knowing more than you did earlier and behest with this task, and consider yourself lucky to have received it. We assure you by no means lightly that these things are all stacked with a reason and that reason is to get you moving, once again, as you did long ago when the sands were ripe with your blessings all around.

[Question: When doing this do I not do anything else? Is the idea to keep the mind empty while acknowledging Self? I'm not sure, please explain.]

If you listen to what was said, you will see it says, 'in place.' This means in your place, wherever that might be...at home, at work, involved with others or not. We assumed you would know but on no account is it to be used under any special circumstances. But we say this lest it get out of control: stay calm, let yourself go and be with that place inside that is lovely to behold. Stay there, be there. In an instant you can transform the world from there, and know this also, it behooves all to consider this remedy to all kinds of ailments, factually spoken. It is not enough that the mind is preoccupied with other things. It must be aware of this place inside, then it will be relevant. There is no recourse otherwise if mind gets preoccupied with something else. That's why we say, Stay in Place, there, where you can behold the glory forever after.

And we say to you while we are on the subject that you are considered great in this neck of the woods. It is imperative that this is lived up to in your world also. These things do not come by accident and we say upon arrival we see all kinds of things waiting for you, so you see, you are already off to a great start and we now need a great finish as this will predispose you well to all that will be heading your way.


Judgment II


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Sunday, 09 March 2025