Breaking Loose



It is seen the remnants and artifacts of a social structure so wrought with situations of danger and distress it is hard for anyone to be anything but on their guard, for situations may develop at a moments notice to sway people one way or another, and in this way keep them busy with things that actually have no real reference to them at all. Many will come to hear what is being said. Fewer will listen and fewer yet will act upon what is heard for we know and we have seen the remnants of times past where all given to a populace was taken at face value and they run with that. The people need authority at this time. Those who do not will find a brighter future for themselves tomorrow and the days after. It matters not which way they choose as long as one actually chooses, rather than submits to the indoctrinations put  before them.

So of these times we say it is not about all those things that will come to pass, but it is about you and what you choose to do about what comes forward. There is no time to dawdle in these efforts for now is the time to act, to do and be done with those choices that are essential to make for your well being and others. This is how it is. It is in not about discussing the situation and making awkward decisions based on consensus. It is about making decisions for yourself and yourself alone. Only here will you find what is of real value to human kind - the ability to choose and in so choosing make wise decisions for himself and others, and in this way continue to grow and prosper within his own might and sword.

This is not an easy task for some for they have seen nothing of this kind for the duration of their lives, especially those who have all decisions made for them. Now is the time to act, to break loose from these bonds of tyranny that keep you enslaved for lifetimes at a time. And we know how this will affect you and in this we say well done, for now you have succeeded in breaking free from that which forever binds the soul into acquiescent behavior that has no substance to stand on.

When that is done a new task presents itself to you and this is where you will find yourselves when all is said and done. It will be necessary to rebuild all, for you, for your loved ones and, most importantly, for that which sees and hears all, for in this way life moves forward again, responding well to all that is given to it rather than in ways that demerit and harm the very people who inhabit its  space. So we say to you now is the time to tact. Now is the time to do. Not tomorrow, but today. Now!



Waking Up the Neighbors
Vaccine Subterfuge


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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