"Let all go with an ease and forbearance to allow things their time and place to exist."
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Abandoning the Self of All


It is time to discuss with you The Aftermath of all things seen. As you know, it is about to get difficult. As you know also, these things are not to be taken lightly. As we move through this time it's best to become acquainted with Self, indeed. As these options are open to anyone, it would behoove those around the globe to take heed and administer within themselves The Doctrine of Sustainability whereby all is known Within. At this time also we reference that scope in time whereby all is allowed to occur - without merit alike - for it is here you are to understand what all the ruckus is all about.

As you move through this time be aware - within Self is only optional if it is not cared about in the scheme of things. Those who do not care will operate as usual until that time when all falls upon them to give up their existence to other factors of life's greater density, in fact alienating all seen before them. As this occurs one only has to wonder where all this came from, as the disposition involved is lifeless at its core. Within that we mention options by which all crumbles rapidly, within which they are subjected to abandonment of life's greater purposes. It is here all will suffer, for it is seen there is no way out to discover.

At long last we tell you this, implicitly seen, within which all crumbles below. And with that we will leave you at this time.

That Which Counts
Discover Yourself!


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Sunday, 09 March 2025