Missing: The Inner Being

Missing: The Inner Being

[One day I posed the following question to Spirit, "Why are most humans not aware of their own inner being?" They responded with the following question:]

What were the facts surrounding the dismissal of this being?

[And I answered, that's a really good question. I do not know or I do not remember. I can only conjecture that when humanity needed help long ago they were taught to put their faith externally and in time it shifted. And Spirit continued:]

We would like to tell you this. It is seen here and now, the declaration made several eons ago whereby those in charge decreed those same messages heard today about man, himself. These were told over and over again until there was no parting of the means by which they came to hear, unless it was seen the extraneous matter accumulated before them for such things.

Often times, in the middle of light hearted things, some would seem despondent about nothing and this went on for some time before all fell about itself in one way or another. At this point in time mankind was so situated as it was necessary to abscond with any matter of clear thinking about himself, to do justice to others who took them aside to make the race prosper at that time.

So we say to you when you are alone and with uncomfortable feelings and such, ask yourself, "Where do these come from, who owns them, why are they here?" To wit, when things get tough in one way or another, what is there to lose when asked, "Who did this to me, how did it happen, where did it come from?" At the same time some scrutiny is available to work with and we tell you, without a doubt, to pursue these avenues will bring great rewards in the understanding that much ado about things does not exist. It simply doesn't. It was made that way to infuse within the nature of helplessness about all to come your way.

Undoubtedly, we see this remedial in many avenues of approach to those in trouble for not knowing who, directly, they are. Taken aside and looked at, these things declare their value forthwith and it is seen the remedy at hand to declare you fit and appropriate for life's work, unadorned with encumbrances that modify human behavior in often disadvantageous manners of experience.

We tell you this to induce within you the mechanism needed to survive these days, afoot with glory and sanctions aboard with those so involved with them.  In fact, it is seen those so involved taking their time as it were, to continue forward at a more conditioned pace, one which honors all within and seen with the eyes of glory and forbearance within. It is apt to tell you also, at this time there are no innocuous situations to succumb to at all. To do homage to that within, we suggest honoring Self in all its glory and stature within.

It is seen here denial of this is not possible. Envelop yourself with that now and get used to it, for more formidable days fast approach where you will need this connection intact and functioning, well in advance of anything taking place externally. So we have said this, now honor it within and subject yourself to that which knows no bounds and honors all before it.

In Pursuit of Personal Contentment
More - The Aftermath


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