"Believe the thoughts of a man stricken with an illness of contempt and you will do no better."
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Self Esteem


Self esteem, an inner sense of well being reflected by the fact that all is well within the sphere of conscious reaction to others. Low self esteem, often a result of busying one’s self with the opinions of others who wish to bring you to a level below their own so they feel superior in one way or another. This can have devastating consequences as one is frozen in their tracks in an effort to please those around them to avoid their scrutiny, determining that you have little value and are absent of worth.

Positive self esteem on the other hand, results when things are in order. One’s self is not challenged by those outside of self and there is a sense that although different, no value is lost in the mixing of different personalities. All are reflections of the One.

So, to buy into the notion that you are not good enough casts doubts which will haunt forever, until that time when it is realized that the projections of others have little to no value on the intrinsic sense of self worth. Those who are riddled with doubt are those who bought into the opinions of others. They do not matter. This is called holding onto the past and this is what happens when issues are not questioned.

Family, friends and others wish to know you are the same as they are, no different. And those at odds with this seek to destroy lives as they know them when threatened with something that goes against their own value system. This helps keep their world intact, alive and functioning in a way they can tolerate and live with themselves peacefully. Challenge them with your own stuff and they will bring you down, one way or another if you are not on your guard.

This is why developmental years are so important. Children almost always believe what they are told and taught. Believe you are stupid and unworthy at an early age and it will surely follow you until you are ready to confront the concept on your own.

Pleasing those around you is a futile effort to regain a sense of self. It betrays on two levels:
    • One, you are not being honest. You are just protecting yourself from criticism.
    • Two, the other individual never sees the light of day, confirmed in the fact that superior control is levied once again to position him ‘on top’ in a mythical fantasy of his own making.


Self Doubt
Reinvigorate Your Past


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Sunday, 09 March 2025