"Power is a glorious commodity, but misused, a treacherous foe."
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Mind Tricks


youtubeLet us start here, where we can get our bearings on those thoughts that continue to impede progress within. It is seen, without doubt, that before enacting any concerns over these it's best to enact some form of self awareness in the interim of these occurrences as they will continue to befall their existence upon you if this is not corrected soon. For it is seen they are trouble makers, in disguise of those who would look out for your best interests and we say this is never the case, for mind operates singularly, on its own, in any situation to bring down anything that would stand in its way of usurping the darkness within. And we see this treachery is occluded by that which would purport a rescue mission by mind itself, to bring you out of a stupor considered threatening to its own sense of well being. The mind knows what is happening within. It is not stupid nor is it invincible to tackle head on, but we see where this occurs for you there just isn't enough time spent in consideration of what is presented. And with this the trap is set and ensnarement is the result.

So we say, take the time necessary to think through what mind is presenting to you at any given moment. Let this work with what is already known - the facts at hand. Do they concur or are they out of balance with each other? You can tell when facts are skewed by mind when things don't match up with past occurrences or past situations. Know this too for when mind is at complete rest it knows not how to fight back and this we say is the best remedy in dealing with the consequences of the mind gone rogue with no bearing given to the consequences of well being at heart.

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The Standoff of Power


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Sunday, 09 March 2025