Another Bad Act


We say in these times, run amok with incidences and occurrences of banality and squalor of mind, there are very few who are able to incorporate into their existence that which is being said, for too many of those who indicate what is going on do not know the truth of the situation at all. So it stands to reason that in time all will be let loose, out of the bag, for all to see the discrepancies thereof, bought by some, sold by others who know no better than to squander the truth from a bucket of cement. This we say is autonomous in its actions for we see those out and about who know nothing about anything, yet return to their sanctified places and uphold the doctrines put in place for them by powers that have no interest in your well being. All is a show, a grand show for your approval...or not.

It seems, at this time, things are about to get worse, somewhat, as those in power succumb themselves to others to make excuses for all that has occurred and thrown to the wayside. It is seen when this is done there will be much ado about who is right and who is wrong, but it avails not in the long run as all are seen out in the cold for what has occurred on their watch.

We say, listen for these things as they arise in the near future, for you will not recognize the fronts from which they arise, seeking to ensnare those listeners through any means possible.


Mind Tricks


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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