"It is of no avail to think within terms of when, where and how. It does no good."
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Taking Accountability

Taking Accountability

It is seen much ado in those places which conform to bureaucracy stands far and wide. There are many who hold true to these edicts given as such to prevent others from their fair share among them. At this time we see prevalent in those things, lives borne of hatred and fear mongering that deter almost everyone from their own peace of mind. It is said as long as this state of affairs is able to last, all will be well for the Powers that Be, and we say indeed, this is so.

So we ask you here and now, what can be done about this situation that can prevent all from going awry at this time? Is there a solution? We think not, as all succumb to those in power with open arms to do so, and of this, the stress hangs high. We have seen this before, long ago in fact when those about you had no time for discontent, and in that way took of their own accord those measures to prevent any from interrupting their schemes on humanity at that time. There was much to learn about and those who did were content in their ability to cloud issues with lies and deceit in a way that mattered not, as all was given to subjective treatments of fact as it were, so things were let loose on a population with no regard whatsoever for the outcome that ensued. It was here they took amends, reaped and gave them away, uncounted for. It is time for this to cease. Here and now the developments seen are appalling indeed, and this kind of clarity renders not anything of the kind for the individual himself.

We say this to you at this time. Take heed, for without magnanimous purpose of being little can be gained in the aftermath of ventures seated in greed and outright despair. Their days are numbered and in this fact raises the question: to which is accountable for all that is going on?

We say that you are, indeed, as all has lasted for centuries at this time whereby no one has done much of anything to interfere with the status quo in place for all to see and perish by. Nonetheless, it is seen here and now there is no occasion, for clear thinking has been let loose on the masses in ways never before seen, yet all who are abrupt in their decisions seem to have forgotten one important detail. This will be seen later on, but until then it rests intact, waiting for that point in time to conclude all dealings with those in power. And we say great day when this is so done.


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PTB Update - Nov. 27, 2021


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