The Fable of Caspar and the Skunk
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When it comes down to behaving properly in the eyes of God, it is seen the wherewithal in place for that to occur. In order to do this you must concede all aspects of yourself to one central core, that within. To assure you that it will not be difficult we will offer you the following story. It behooves you to consider it for your own.
There once was an individual named Caspar and he loved to roam far and wide in search of that which made him happy. In and of this, one day he stumbled upon a skunk in his way and kicked it out into the road, not thinking at all what he was doing or might have done. It is here the rubber meets the road as there are options available to do this or do that, it's a choice. Assuming his choice was just that, it would adhere to sanctions bound by him to consider himself right and forward about all he did. It mattered not what that was.
So we see him now wondering what came over him to do such a deed. His aptitude was one whereby he could have chosen much differently and certainly survive the encounter. However he did not. He kicked the skunk. Now it's time for retribution as all things come back to you at some point or another. So we see him lounging around, paying little attention to that which surrounds him and gets caught up in some things that take him far and away from where he currently is, and we say this as well, he's banished all other thoughts at this moment in time. Here he is, all by himself and not caring at all about anything around him.
All of a sudden, BANG! He's hit with a gunshot from who knows where. It matters not the source for he is wounded here and now in this place. It serves him right in this circumstance as he has just repaid the skunk in kindly manner. However, does he see it that way or is he apt to cry out at the injustice done to him at this time? We know not, as all about him fades from memory to include you now in this scope and arena.
When you see those things coming for you, do you disagree or do you accept the fate they bring with them and work it from there. It is a big difference and we say this is where much is allowed to coalesce and exert its influence on those who succumb to such tactics. It is known the effects wielded as such and it deters all from making strides when treated in such a manner. So we say to you, accept what you are, where you are and all the rest. Let it go and be done with it, let all go. If there is the idea that this can be met with another alternative, so be it, let it go too. You only need concern yourself with the acceptance of it and deter nothing in its path...then go about changing it. It does no good to try and change it before acknowledging its presence right before your eyes.
Take this with you. You will need it later in life.