"Those that give the most will reap the greatest rewards."
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[I'm feeling off and notice I can't seem to control ego's judgement mechanism. It's really awful. What to do about this please?]

We say it's not about you in this case, It's about something else entirely. We see the predicament you are in and say to watch it closely for when the time is right it will emerge on its own and flee from sight. These occurrences you reference are possibilities to render consequences in the light of knowledge whereby that which is seen is just that, seen and not acted upon for acting upon them would mean including them in your scope of vision to do what they are intending to do without your consent.

These things are situations passed to you for review and measure for within them lay keys to their disposal for, in fact, what they tell you is far from the truth of the situation you find yourself in. The means employed by them are needed to assist them in taking down the individual to another level of existence and it behooves you to continue in the light you have been with them. They can do no damage or harm when left alone to rout out their existence unhindered from you or anyone else. They are mesmerizing in one respect and demand your attention to escape from view the second they are noticed, but we tell you this is not about you. It is about other things to get you to acquiesce to their demise and find fault with yourself and others for within them lie potions of trickery gone wild with misgivings of all sorts, and it will do you well to fend them off with bravery and a stalwart countenance to redeem yourself in their stead.

It behooves you not to consider them real in any sense of the term for we see them taking shape around you and doing what they can to ensnare you in the process. Let them alone to do their things and remain steadfast to yourself at this time. These things always forebode the rendering of the being in terms of acquiescence to them and we say this has not been easy for you and that is a good thing. Leave them alone and they will go home where you will not be able to find them.

[Can you say why this is happening? Perhaps I've missed similar occurrences in the past but I'm very aware of this.]

We say you have not seen this before because the stakes were not as high as they are at this time. To acquiesce would mean surrender to them and we know this to be a course of action detrimental to the being at large. To inhibit these things just look the other way. They are after you as they know where you are headed and wish to stop the progress thus far. If successful, reparations would need to be made before resuming the course of action seen to this time. So we say to you well done in that regard. All is well to continue as if they didn't exist and all will be well indeed.

Repeating Numbers
A Short Tale from the Earth


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Friday, 07 March 2025