"It is said that without knowledge there can be no forward progress, but without wisdom there can be no forward life."
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A Short Tale from the Earth

A Short Tale from the Earth

Let us tell you a story, made up as it were, but the fable is accurate and forthcoming we assure you. Imagine in times long ago when forests were spotted with trees and logs and all kinds of things that belonged there. Inasmuch as we would like to say this was a normal occurrence it was not, for something had happened to it long ago and what is seen now are empty plots of land, broken under each other with no possibility of sustenance imbued within them. This was a terrible sight for those who had come to depend on the Earth for all that was given to keep them alive and it is known what had occurred to bring it to this condition, first hand.

There were those who insisted it all happened by chance, purely by accident and there was no way to support any contention otherwise. Others would say, "Look at this mess, what have we done to this planet to manage such an upheaval within it?" And others were quick to surmount this was an action of the fairies and sprites who inhabit the land, angered at the predecessors who came before and plundered the Earth in such a manner. But we say, who in this version is correct as it seems any scenario could have several causes to it. But we know as the answer - it was God's way of showing and developing the masses of Earth the devastating consequences of a life lived without the presence of the One Above.

So it behooves you, all of you, to continue your inner quest for peace, beauty and harmony within for it is only then that the forces be with you in such a way as to engender peace and prosperity for all. Anything else is a sham and an occasion for blasphemous, treasonous activities that will blemish the lands over and over again until that time when man understands his place and role in the universe. And until that time we say continue your quest within the heart of all matters where you will find the wherewithal to continue to shower your blessings on others for the sake of life alone, and in this we leave you with this thought of abundance and prudent disclosures of Self within all, harnessed to do the best for you and others at anytime it is necessary for you to do so.

Infiltrating Energies


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Sunday, 09 March 2025