"Power is a glorious commodity, but misused, a treacherous foe."
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Infiltrating Energies


youtube[I feel like I'm off my game. Not sure what has happened. Can you help with understanding?]

Yes we can. We see this about you, those things which render harm about you but this is not the only thing we see, for there are forces about to do you in, as it were, where those in charge take for granted their ability to subterfuge environments with energies that are disconcerting and harmful in one way and harmless in another. For we say to you when this occurs in the future know what is at play. These energies succumb to those who will do no harm and include them in their attempt to bring them to a level of displeasure and demise when the timing is right. We say to you also this is not for you to consume or take part in for in so doing you weaken your response to all those forces around you to bring you to a new level of awareness for yourself.

In these times we see much of this occurring and tell you it is because of the strength of your conviction that they operate within you at all, for you see the attempt to break the spirit and include you in those arenas where you cannot make proper decisions for yourself or others about you. It is inconsequential that they be at your doorstep if you do not entertain their presence. When you do they will find a way to inconveniently subterfuge the environment with their scare tactics and bring you down to a lower level of operation. They bequeath an existence of formidable opportunity to, suffice it to say, energize your system when met with obstacles to their existence and we see this as occurring now. So it is without regret that they have come upon you so strongly as to cause concern on your part, but we tell you it is because of this that they will make another attempt as time moves forward again.

It is without consequence when these things are met head on, without obtrusion, so that they may be seen for what they are - phantoms of being, ensured to enslave when brought before you for consideration of implementation into your being. Once rejected there is no hope for them and they return from whence they came. There is no cause for alarm as they will dissipate soon enough as the fuel needed for them is not being supplied and this is a good thing indeed.

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Sunday, 09 March 2025