As we see it now and from above to below, all sorts of misgivings are being sought out by those in power to adjust to those things being sought by others in the same vein. But it has not occurred to them that what is sought by each is different than what is sought by the other and of this we say be ...
610 Hits
We say in these times, run amok with incidences and occurrences of banality and squalor of mind, there are very few who are able to incorporate into their existence that which is being said, for too many of those who indicate what is going on do not know the truth of the situation at all. So it stan...
3120 Hits
There are many things incumbent upon that which is seen in the media. No one knows really, how this is to play out. Humans are incessant over their rights and obligations to bring forthwith, a system of being functioning in tune with those who hold power. We say it is not about power, but faith in a...
3065 Hits