"Those who infuse within themselves the light of God will know no travail in the days to come."
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The Standoff of Power

The Standoff of Power

As we see it now and from above to below, all sorts of misgivings are being sought out by those in power to adjust to those things being sought by others in the same vein. But it has not occurred to them that what is sought by each is different than what is sought by the other and of this we say be careful this time around as no one will know which way they are going to go. Each has his own idea and this will impact greatly the way everything tumbles forth.

In this way there will be no overarching effects being brought upon mankind but a little smattering of this and a little of that being brought forth by those so inconsequential to each other that what is seen is revealed as pure stupidity as no one will agree with the other. As this continues it is also seen the effects of those who have been doing the dirty work of those who have been charged with responsibly organizing efforts made....[efforts made] to deploy those in charge of other efforts being made, outside the scope of endeavors of those who would like to be seen in a grander light, coming forth in efforts to quell that which will arise in the wake of incidents that will impact greatly those not aware of the universal plight of humanity at this time.

We say it is of utmost importance to include all others in their discussion for those left out will be confused greatly as all will not match up for them as they move within their space. It is known far and wide the effects this will ultimately have on what is being done and we see this not going well on anyone's account which will leave those in charge begging yet for another solution to pull them through their trials and failures at implementing systems designed for control purposes only.

And here it lies, the truth uncovering the assumptions put forth to them in efforts to succumb those in power to once again futile efforts at saving a people from themselves in the aftermath of situations long gotten out of hand for them. And this we see as becoming standard operating procedure for them inasmuch as they can do no better in the ways they now operate and we see them scrambling even more in the near future to get done what they can and leave what they cannot for others to sanction freely as they will.

Mind Tricks
Taming the Mind


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Sunday, 09 March 2025