"If you do not know where you are going, how can you get there?"
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Assaults of the Mind

[After another onslaught from the mind...]

We see this detrimental passage of events clearly and it is seen the effects brought upon you and we say although much has happened you have not slipped from our grasp. In fact, we see you stronger situated to move forward because of it and we say well done on that account. When these things happen know one thing, they cannot continue forever and in that light all comes to a halt whereby you can assess the situation more clearly.

It is seen from these interactions with self all is not lost for there is involved a scrutiny, as it were, to look deep into the issues presented to fathom out their fairness in their assessment of the situation at hand. What do you see? A plethora of mindless chatter or that worthy of listening to and assessing its value for yourself? Mind will always let you know where it stands in relation to its abusive powers that render beings incapable of action. When seen it is of no consequence to challenge it head on with that which makes sense and adjusts to situations accordingly.

Be it known when mind receives warning that it may not be needed it erupts, countless times if necessary and to this end it limits all clear sight and sound. It is in your best interest when this occurs to outright ignore it. When this is not possible, push it to the side. It is not worth the trouble of dealing with it.

[This time, once again, it fed on all the doubt about my path...this seems like an important issue for me...how to get rid of them?]

We say this to you at this time. Long before were situations you involved yourself in that were not in your best interests and these failed miserably in front of you, so it seems there is missing that part which inspires confidence on a level that bequeaths its magic in forming futures wholeheartedly in tact. We say at this time doubt begets all kinds of misfortunes and this is not what we are here for, to cast misfortune. That alone is enough but you take it further than that and envelop your entire being in a misfortune that unequals all others. In the future do not let loose as mind envelops the soul in its attempts to scramble up its reality. It is of no consequence to endure these things so be on the lookout for these things and let them go as soon as possible.


Taming the Mind


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Sunday, 09 March 2025