Caveat Emptor

Caveat Emptor

There are times when what is seen does not match that within which is sensed by the individual. This, we say, is good because all things are not what they seem and in this light we will progress in the following way. When all seems lost to people involved in day to day excursions of self and there are those things which come forefront to the awareness that stop them cold it is because no time was taken to inspect that which was given in the first place. Here and now we see the effects of this in place in many regions where despair has hit hard in one way or another for it is within their grasp to understand the makings of such situations they find themselves in, but to their own shortcomings have failed to inspect the merchandise for flaws inherent within them.

So we say, when out and about, looking for things that satisfy the senses it makes no sense to blindly hope for the best in your selection process. Many do but this is not the way to insure what is received has the merit imagined of it. So we say, watch out for these occurrences of blind adoration for you know not the recluse it will bring you in the end. These things are for you to peruse in their time and select in yours, but first be sure they are as they seem for it is well known, during these times the misfit ventures put forth to innocuously discredit those of quality with inferior makings of the like, to self destruct in no time at all. It's a sign of the times when all is lost to the plethora of information that is given at any one time, information that is bogus at heart and of no satisfying conclusion.

These things must be met head on, with scrutiny from the get-go and nothing else will suffice if all is to go well for you and others alike. So we say to you, stop! Take a moment in time to examine what is in front of you. Does it work? Is it faulty? Is it worth the investment? If not, we say look elsewhere for all that is done in these situations is to bring forward junk and an easy money for those who have no scruples otherwise.

End Game


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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