"It is said that without knowledge there can be no forward progress, but without wisdom there can be no forward life."
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PTB Update 9/19/21

PTB Update 9/19/21


youtubeThe game is getting rough of sorts recently and we see those in power taking consideration of that which will benefit them in the long run. They will not run out of options per se, but they will run out of fortitude and the ability to sway the public at large in this time and space so it behooves you to be ever vigilant at this time as much to occur is against your will, in and of itself, and bound by that which will incur harm at a base level in their efforts to succumb a population to the needs of those in power itself.

So we say to you it is not relevant in any way, shape or form to continue here unabated in stature as all will come forward as was ordained long ago. These things do not occur by accident as all was taken care of already in the annals of time itself and this we see as occurring now. And to the point, we witness this unfolding for all to get a grip on. Those who do will benefit greatly. Those who do not will have a different story to tell.

The One Above - An Approach
Critical Times


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