We will tell you of this. In fact, when we see this we laugh for it includes that which we saw hundreds of years ago, played out the same way. We speak of those occurrences that uphold the light within those fo...
Today is the day for thoughtful recognition of that which is located within, the heart of all matters, for within the soul of man lies that which forever wonders where and when it shall be received. Harnessed within that structure lie precepts of antiquity, barren reminders of souls lost...
To all around you it is seen from a perspective whereby there are no ends in sight, just aforementioned duality in play. We say, to avoid discomfort on an emotional level it is best to adhere to those things which rock the being in forward ways...It best to say, now, while the iron is hot, and it is...
The name of the game is to be aware of all that occurs around you. Awareness is key for it brings with it an adventure in the realms of being that can be aware of itself and in so doing bequeath that awareness upon itself, identifying within that source of power and awareness to which it belongs. In...
In the course of time, withheld from common view is that which is apparent to the well informed. We say that to enforce the necessity for being abrupt to discern what is right in front of you. We mean to say this, in effect, to summon from within the course of action that must be taken to ensure you...