There is much to talk about. These are times when what is disclosed is not necessarily what is occurring. In and of this, it is said the importance of getting it right the first time. In and of ...
[How do I move past judgment? I know it's based on elevating ego, but how to stop.] We say to you it's not about judgment. It's about sanctifying the relationship between them and you. There is no other way. Judgment bequeaths all kinds of ills and this we say is very bad indeed. The being needs rea...
It is seen the remnants and artifacts of a social structure so wrought with situations of danger and distress it is hard for anyone to be anything but on their guard, for situations may develop at a moments notice to sway people one way or another, and in this way keep them busy with things t...
So we say now is the time to continue your journey. With all this in mind it is seen the effects brought about by the structure of consciousness at this time. Consciousness knows no bounds - there are none for consciousness. It behooves anyone interested in it to verify this for themselves. Where is...
With this we will say to you now is the time when all things come to fruition. Inasmuch as we have said this before, now is the time when these things come to bear their sanctions for one and all. We would like you to know, in these times also it behooves you to behave with sincere quietude and simp...
We would like to say, beware of those around you and how they behave with you. It is seen those who have no bearing in mind yet cannot come to decisions on their own and so rely on others to do that for them. This, of course, is not the best approach in living life here on Earth, yet we see many cau...