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The Transition

The Transition

Let us start here for we know in future days there will be much to do to keep yourself busy with all kinds of things to come forth. In and of this it is seen here and now, the complete desolation of those places that had seen much activity previously. In as much as we see this now it is of no avail to consider further consequences worthwhile in the least, for those who have left these places behind cannot be seen at this time. For we had said some months ago when all this happens to let go and watch, for the results are spectacular indeed. There will be little left to consider worthy of repair. Also there are those who singularly endeavor to fix that which succumbs to demolishment, yet it is seen the wherewithal in place does not support it so these things fall by the wayside.

There is much ado at these times, incomplete scenarios with much left behind and we say this is not good as all is kept hidden from those who need it in the efforts to control, once again, those who need counseling and the like to get them moving forward again. These times are filled with respite of the sort no one is really used to and in and of this much is seen undone. There is little left to consider as having worth and in this much is seen gone awry where all who participate have no knowledge really, of how it all came to be, and this we say is a marvel indeed for it escaped their attention previously and it escaped their attention again when it counts. Consequently they are left high and dry as it were, to consider themselves vagabonds of sorts, to include those about them with the same contempt of freedom that was lost long before.

It is here the rub lies for freedom is at stake once again and we say if this is not taken care of soon many will perish with the wind. It is not often we give such a perspective to things yet it is considered worthy enough to reinforce those tactics allowed to bring it forward for you to see the end results of your wanting and bemoaning the facts of little resistance here on your planet.

It behooves each of you to consider the aftermath of such occurrences of fate gone awry with misdeeds causing harm and travail, and in this way we say understanding is key to your survival in future days as all will come crumbling down upon you in all the wrong ways if you determine yourself to be complete with all answers dealt to you. Yet it is seen, here and now, the effects of all this moved forward and in the interim, and this we see as intrinsically woeful in what it brings and we say to beware here and after, for those things so determined to be of use and be of service are often not the ones to have around, especially in light of that which is seen at this time.

We urge you all to consider this when the time is right for you to consider for yourself the best avenue of approach for occurrences such as these. For in the interim of these happening there is much more to consider than meets the eye.

PTB Update - Nov. 27, 2021
The Great Planet


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