Those Fallen by the Wayside - A Remedy


It is seen now and into future days that which will envelope many by the wayside* into thinking it is their time to go home, yet there is nowhere to go really as they have already arrived. It is here they lie, disturbed and unattributed to anything that would help them survive during these times with any sort of credence. In and of itself there are many who will fall into this category as you will see in future days and it is seen well in advance of all this how miserable it is all about to get for most.

As we see it there is little to do for others as it were, because they themselves have taken it upon themselves to be considered the useless eaters of consequence rendered by those in charge. So we say to you at this time let go of everything you feel is important to survive in future times. Let it all go, in fact, as you will see there is nothing there that will actually help when the time comes to needing something substantial to stand on. For that you will need sustenance from Within and this, we say, is indeed the only way around it at this time. Go within and see for yourself what we speak of here for your very existence depends on it at this time.

*The wayside is the destination of those who have lost their way or missed their mark in one way or another during the transition, jeopardizing their ability to make it through unscathed.

Due Diligence
The Fall from Grace


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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