"Where you find joy your experience flourishes, for without it all perishes in due time."
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Due Diligence

Due Diligence

We have seen that which you call subterfuge in activities here and above and say without equivocation, these times are adverse in many ways. To do due diligence is ever important now and into the future days as all will come to rest on that which is decided upon. So take this to heart when we say now is the time to secure yourself within yourself. It is said in this way as to give you the advantage of knowing distinctly what we mean.

It is seen indeed, these times require the right effort to abscond with that which is necessary for suited survival in these times, and we say lackluster attempts will prove feeble indeed. So let it be said here and now and to all, it is apparent to us that little be left in the scheme of things for folks to hold onto. There is little left in this arena and we see it getting slimmer as the days go on. Now is the time to do something about it. Now is the time when due diligence counts for more than you can imagine and we see the results of that loud and clear.

Take for example those who know no better at the advent of things, making a fuss about this and that. It is to no avail that this is done wholeheartedly as there is no one to hear the cries of rebuke in the midst of all the turmoil around them. This is not suitable nor fitting for man was presupposed with something other than degenerative characteristics, yet they are seen here, stronger than ever.

However, it is seen those who know better who are seen and heard for their tempered approach for all that surrounds them at this time. They know better and act better as a consequence and from this are able to salvage what is necessary to continue forth unimpeded as can be under the circumstances.

So we say to you all, get this and do this quickly. You know where this is all going. It would surmount all ideations to see it not arrive where it is headed. You can get a grip on all of it with a simple testament to the Self of All, harbored within, at a moment's notice. There is no other way to make it through this unscathed. Indeed, and it is seen those who do have all the glory about them.

Suffice it to say now is the time to take stock of what you have and is available to you. There won't be long before all this is done and over with and those left behind will have another story to tell, for those who survive with care and transparency will be the ones to flourish in the new system, geared to supplant those in power for once and for all.


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Sunday, 09 March 2025