"When it gets dark, turn on the light. There is no need for remorse."

The Easy Way Out


There is much to discuss in terms of what is right in front of you at this time. We say this as a matter of fact for we know before all is said and done there will be no forward motion for those left besides th...

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  377 Hits

Social Dogma


It seems that to be a part of what is called social eloquence, it is necessary to subscribe to utterances made before those who wish to know the truth about matters which interest them. It is said before this c...

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  431 Hits



 Never, under any circumstances, be that which would invoke harm on another for we say when this occurs there is a price to pay and this price is often associated with self esteem and the ability to move ahead. In spite of what may be seen, there is never a reason to do so for in offering such ...

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  276 Hits

Vaccine Addendum

Vaccine Addendum

It is with great sadness we witness all that cometh your way in these times. It is seen on the horizon that which will ensue from those in power to dissuade anyone from taking part in anything that resembles that which can deter those from taking this vaccine. All in all, it is seen in retrospect al...

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  365 Hits

Misfits of Power

Misfits of Power

  Let us say without equivocation, that there are misfits afoot in places of high order that care not for anything worldly other than the complete usurping of it. These are people so enamored with their ow...

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  2998 Hits

Repeating Numbers

Repeating Numbers

[Could you help me understand the numbers a little better. I was told to use them as symbols and put them together. Can you clarify this please?] We will say this, when numbers appear to you it is significant, inasmuch as we would say, significant in their meaning where one number would mean this an...

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  282 Hits



[I'm feeling off and notice I can't seem to control ego's judgement mechanism. It's really awful. What to do about this please?] We say it's not about you in this case, It's about something else entirely. We see the predicament you are in and say to watch it closely for when the time is right it wil...

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  332 Hits

A Short Tale from the Earth

A Short Tale from the Earth

Let us tell you a story, made up as it were, but the fable is accurate and forthcoming we assure you. Imagine in times long ago when forests were spotted with trees and logs and all kinds of things that belonged there. Inasmuch as we would like to say this was a normal occurrence it was not, for som...

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  357 Hits

Infiltrating Energies


[I feel like I'm off my game. Not sure what has happened. Can you help with understanding?] Yes we can. We see this about you, those things which render harm about you but this is not the only thing we see, for...

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  360 Hits