It is with great sadness we witness all that cometh your way in these times. It is seen on the horizon that which will ensue from those in power to dissuade anyone from taking part in anything that resembles that which can deter those from taking this vaccine. All in all, it is seen in retrospect al...
[Could you help me understand the numbers a little better. I was told to use them as symbols and put them together. Can you clarify this please?] We will say this, when numbers appear to you it is significant, inasmuch as we would say, significant in their meaning where one number would mean this an...
[I'm feeling off and notice I can't seem to control ego's judgement mechanism. It's really awful. What to do about this please?] We say it's not about you in this case, It's about something else entirely. We see the predicament you are in and say to watch it closely for when the time is right it wil...
Let us tell you a story, made up as it were, but the fable is accurate and forthcoming we assure you. Imagine in times long ago when forests were spotted with trees and logs and all kinds of things that belonged there. Inasmuch as we would like to say this was a normal occurrence it was not, for som...
When we say look about you we infer to look for those things that may impede progress. That which impedes progress are known by the effects they wield on the being. Inasmuch as we would say all beings respond similarly this is not the case for all have specific makeup characteristics that infuse dif...
It is seen now, in these times, the cause for great alarm as what is about to occur will take your breath away. Now we say this to encourage you to beware of things that may come your way. If it were to be seen primarily within the scope of view of others this would be no big deal but we say however...
When there is a part to play we see the errors made by many who, in trying to do their best, forget what it is they are doing. If that isn't difficult enough, it seems that many also forget who exactly is doing it. In these times when much is seen in reverse of what it actually is doing, we say man ...