We would like to say, beware of those around you and how they behave with you. It is seen those who have no bearing in mind yet cannot come to decisions on their own and so rely on others to do that for them. This, of course, is not the best approach in living life here on Earth, yet we see many cau...
We say at this time it is important to consider all avenues open and available to you for soon enough there will be that which you cannot fathom at your doorstep, and we see the repercussions of all that. And we say in these times there will be turmoil and struggle for those who know no better than ...
When the time comes to act, act with distinction and perseverance. There is no secret to this. We say to you that while the iron is hot strike quickly, make a definitive statement. Do something stark to reinforce your position with it no matter what that is, it matters not. The whole idea is to beco...
There is little truth to be seen in the affairs of men at this time. No one knows how to effectively deal with what is given to them without making up a story or two all about it to enable themselves to deal more effectively with the problem at hand presented to them. This is about to change, for wh...
[I'm including this message as it demonstrates the subtle potentials that lie in the choices we make. This is the story: I had set up an appointment to get wheels and larger tires for my jeep. Initially I opted for 4 wheels and tires rather than 5 as I already had a spare, albeit a smaller size, and...