"If you do not know where you are going, how can you get there?"
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I Love You


When you say to someone, "I love you," what are you really saying? Isn't it, in fact, a declaration of refusal to allow you access to that which will make a viable difference in your life? I love you simply means the reflection is there for you to see. And you accept that within yourself and acknowledge that externally for what is seen externally is merely an internal reflection, is it not? So we have the declaration of love for Self expressed as love for another when, in fact, that love is just a series of attributes given to Self all over again.

The Self cares not about these things. Attributes are simply acknowledgments that attest to a system of being that is involved with other aspects of itself and here is no different. The being enjoys these interactions and at the same time refutes their existence for mistaken identity. Who can identify whom? It is not yet seen where this is going as all is well inside in spite of that which is seen externally. So we say, in fact, I love you means a host of things, many unknown to the one who says it. I love you is a statement of factual relationship to Self viewed externally and usurped within. There could be no love otherwise and the world would seem empty and dark.

We know this is of concern here as those forces which operate to induce fear and panic often supersede the facets of love, put into place by those whose wishes are to dumbfound and confuse you. It is essential to bear greetings to all encompassed by you at this time, for all are you, at this time and ever onward. It is imperative to demonstrate the knowledge gained from leading an intrinsically bold life and we say it matters not what behooves you as long as this is acknowledged, primarily because it is you in the first place.

Go now, understanding the meaning behind these words for they will take you far away from yourself in understanding the nature of yourself and in this we know how gratifying that will be for you.

Lies and the Obfuscation of Truth


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Sunday, 09 March 2025