In times when all that is seen makes no sense to you, know something else is afoot. These days see much in the way of that and it is done with purpose. The purpose lies in the fact that those in charge never give anything away freely. It must be discerned and when all is let loose, as it is, there i...
During times when all is said and done there are always those waiting to step forward with that which they believe is right and correct thinking for what is bemusing them at the moment. In that this is true for them, it is not of slightest concern to anyone else who may be within earshot to hear the...
We would like to talk about those things seen from afar and how they differ when viewed from a different perspective. Know it is true, when viewing, all that is seen is refracted off of the object in question. The object itself has not changed but the viewpoint may well do so. In and of this l...