There are many things incumbent upon that which is seen in the media. No one knows really, how this is to play out. Humans are incessant over their rights and obligations to bring forthwith, a system of being functioning in tune with those who hold power. We say it is not about power, but faith in a...
Behold, we say to you that before we strike at the meat of the matter it behooves you to consider the following. The import of days to come on well being, insight and true understanding are wrapped in cloths so profoundly thick it is near impossible to fathom correct meaning from them. We say this a...
We see the developments so far and have to say to you, behold what is put in front of you at this time. We say this because coming in the near future we see many about to incur before you that which is known as dismay, despondency and gloom about them. We see this intact and growing in its stature a...