Messages of clarity, directed to those for pondering and contemplating a deeper understanding of themselves, the forces at play and the situations presented to them.

So we tell you in fact, those lost will remain lost. This is how it is for them at this time. There is much ado and consideration placed before them, yet it is seen the rally has not yet occurre...
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These times are troublesome in many ways, for we say this as it is seen those who do not do what is necessary to prevent their own upheaval in a system designed to take you under at one time or ...
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When it comes down to behaving properly in the eyes of God, it is seen the wherewithal in place for that to occur. In order to do this you must concede all aspects of yourself to one central cor...
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It is seen much ado in those places which conform to bureaucracy stands far and wide. There are many who hold true to these edicts given as such to prevent others from their fair share among the...
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Let us start here for we know in future days there will be much to do to keep yourself busy with all kinds of things to come forth. In and of this it is seen here and now, the complete desolatio...
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We have seen that which you call subterfuge in activities here and above and say without equivocation, these times are adverse in many ways. To do due diligence is ever important now and into th...
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