Messages of clarity, directed to those for pondering and contemplating a deeper understanding of themselves, the forces at play and the situations presented to them.

During these times ahead, let it be known at this time, to do any wrong will not be acceptable. You know the facts. It is seen here, determination wins; it is here you must set your focus. It is...
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There was a time once when you were doing what was necessary to succumb to those powers that be and enforce your position within, in effect to determine the nature of that which was seen during ...
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So we say to you time will tell what all this is about and you will see, inevitably, the consequences of your actions when it comes to being sure of yourself in the times to come. There is no su...
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So it is seen during these days ahead that those about you who contain little to offer will be met in undue cause with that from Above that cares not for the actions seen. It is here all will fi...
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It is said, now and then, that to grasp the meaning of life it is essential to be a part of it. Here lies the rub. As you know, during these times it is often seen those about you who declare t...
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It is seen, now and then, the conclusions wrought from those forces to separate man from his origins, and here we say all is not well indeed. The outlook within a situation like this is treache...
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