"However difficult this may be, it is of no avail to give up."

Things to Come


   [This message is yet another accounting of what Spirit sees during the aftermath of world collapse - Once again  they stress the importance of understanding what has occurred on the world stage as this will facilitate moving through the transition in tact. Now on to the message.] A...

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The Aftermath - Renewal & Regeneration


   At this time we are willing to discuss The Aftermath* of all things considered in a day, to dispose of all the hype surrounding it at this time. We see, credentially speaking, an aftermath whereby all considered has nothing to do with what actually is happening. It is seen here wherewit...

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  26 Hits

Allow All to Come Forward


   It is seen clearly the avenue of approach that does wonders Within, and that is seen as the declaration that Within holds all aspects of being that you are, and none can be more promising nor abundant than another. This is the sheer honesty of the situation, for you were born and made i...

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  64 Hits

New Beginnings


   We say to you at this time, inevitably all will come to order. It is seen now and Above, those things contingent on human suffering will indeed, blow away with the wind when all is said and done. At the outset here we inform you of this to demonstrate the knowledge of Above, and forthri...

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  105 Hits

Intrinsic Advice


   At this time we say to you indeed, let us come forward with intrinsic advice to help you through what is going to occur at a later date.* It is seen here above all, detrimental consequences for those who care not about anything worth caring about. These folks honor nothing, and it occur...

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The Great Floodings

The Great Floodings

   At this time we tell you this, as it is known confusion reigns at this time on planet Earth. As it is seen here, never ending deluges appear out of nowhere it seems to be, for before you lies that great divide between you and the Powers that Be, seen here indiscriminately poised to stri...

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Stealing Elections

Stealing Elections

   At this time we are telling you of circumstances about to occur which enable you to comprehend that which is involved in stealing elections. As it is known here and Above, to do this is somewhat treacherous indeed, and we tell you that knowing how this is to unfold, for you, yourself, k...

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