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Sanctions and Other Sound Advice

Sanctions and Other Sound Advice

[This message borders on the personal side but I'm posting it as there is information that is relevant to almost anyone when viewed from a personal perspective. Additionally, I always welcome sanctions that are given as this is what keeps the pathway clear for positive forward movement. What is given could prove to be sound council for almost anyone, so here are a few more sanctions along with a brief glimpse into future days.]

We know what you would like to hear and say it is not without question that these be sanctions for you at this time. Sanctions are important as they enable one to move forward when the going gets tough and not get involved in that which will pull them ever downward. In this light the following sanctions are in order at this time for you. It is seen these will help greatly in bringing the being to fruition of all causes for the life here on Earth at this time. So we say:

  • One, watch your back, be aware of all around you, do not be taken by surprise.
  • Two, be ever alert in your day to day activities for you know not what might prevail right in front of you at the worst possible time.
  • Three, continue onward, carrying your head high, doing those things to help yourself move forward at this time. It avails you not to continue otherwise for it is necessary to continue in like vein to continue the progress thus far made.

And we say to you also at this time, be aware of everything. Don't let anything go. It will not avail you in the slightest to do so, and we say otherwise things might prevail that are of no consequence and we know how that will arrive at your doorstep for you to consider. These times are ripe with explosive energies and it behooves you to consider the consequences of not being prepared for whatever comes to meet you. It is not important so much that you know or understand what is happening as long as preparations are in place to carry you through.

These are important times for you, for all who are involved in a planetary system gone awry with misgivings and ill repute. However, these days will be long gone in the days to come when all is said and done. There will be no continuance of these things as all who prosper through them will be taken down in due time. Then it will be up to you and others like you to continue onward to new horizons and take charge of that which was left behind long, long ago.

These are great times, times where an intrepid soul can flourish under the most dire of circumstances and we say this is of the least concern to you and all around you at this time. The people you know and are involved with will become, likewise, hesitant to continue onward because of sanctions put before them of a different sort, and these become excuses for inaction bred of repulsion that they will carry with them in the future days of their lives. Suffice it to say, an excursion into the wilderness is close at hand where all will be considered null and void as new systems are put into place for all to enjoy and prosper from.

Judgment II


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Sunday, 09 March 2025