These are excerpts from some of the personal messages I've received along the way which Spirit has told me would be well to include here as it may be of help others.

With this statement we will refine our words clearly so it is understood, without a shadow of a doubt, what is meant by this. So we say, and here's the rub, do not ever consider yourself small again, ever. This...
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So we say it is time, indeed, to continue forward in a way that will surprise you. We say this as a matter of fact as what you are used to doesn't apply here. So we say here's the gist of it...In a timely manner succumb to only that which is of reference to you. That is to say, what you see is what ...
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With all of this facing you at this time, we know well the solution which may befuddle you at times, so we say continue forward in a stalwart manner for it is this which breeds success. We know this, success is predicated on several fronts - by the time and concern put into it. When concern is lacki...
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[This is a short and sweet excerpt from a conversation with Spirit. Spirit had said to me, "Now is the time to step up for yourself and do that which must be done." I wanted to make sure I understood so I asked for clarification and their reply is suitable for everyone, so I've posted it here.] [I w...
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Without effort we will address you at this time for it is seen in and of itself the results of Prefects in operation at this time. The Prefects, as you know, were surmounted long ago to produce for ones such as yourself, guidelines to adhere to, to bring about transformations on your planet, Earth. ...
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[This message borders on the personal side but I'm posting it as there is information that is relevant to almost anyone when viewed from a personal perspective. Additionally, I always welcome sanctions that are given as this is what keeps the pathway clear for positive forward movement. What is give...
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